Earn $1.50 Per Video For FREE! Worldwide! (Make Money Watching Videos Online)

 Do you like to watch videos online i know that you two like

binge-watching videos on youtube and Netflix right

you're there hours and hours just

because you are bored

then one day i had this wild idea what

if there was a way to actually make

money watching videos online

and that's exactly what I'm going to

show you today how to make money sitting

back and watching videos

and the crazy thing is that you don't

need anything to do this

you only need two simple things you need

your smartphone

and an internet connection and that is all

and you can start making online money

watching videos starting today

here are some payment proofs that you

can see people are making hundreds of

dollars of paypal money

just watching videos here is a rough

the idea of how much you can make using this


if you watch five videos you will get paid 7.5

dollars 20 videos make you 30

and 50 videos are worth 75 us dollars

and the best thing about it is that it's

a hundred percent

free you don't need any upfront

investment of any sort

and it works worldwide so whether you

are in germany

philippine the u.s south africa it's

all the same you can use this method and

make money

watching videos starting today and make

sure to keep watching this video till

the end

don't skip ahead or anything because by

the end of this video

i'll show you a bonus tip that will make

you even more money using this method

but before we start if you are new here

consider subscribing to our channel wow


we post pure valuable content

consistently every week to help you make

money online

and become 100 financially free from


and turn on the notification bell to be

notified when we post a new video

also if you want to learn how you can

make up to 500 us dollars

every single day you might want to check

our website

wowmoney.net where you can find more

details and informations

about how you can make money online and

how you can create passive income


on the internet alright then let's jump

into this video

so the website we're gonna use to make

money watching videos is


before i tell you more

about the website

let's check how different users are

doing on this website

are they making money or not and here

you can see

how much money people using this website

have made

and as you can see they came from all

over the world

so here you have forty five dollars

three dollars

ten dollars etc now let's go back to the

home page

and here you can see that it says

interact with advertisers

earn up to one dollars plus per ad views

so basically all you have to do is click

on ads

and you will be able to make up to one

dollar per

interaction but interacting with us

isn't the only way you can make

money using this website as you can see

here this website will pay you

for clicking on banner ads and also for

just viewing ads and the reason why a

lot of people use this website to make

some extra money

every single day is because they are

very secure

and also they are sustainable which

means that you can always work on this

website you can always make money no

matter where you are

you will never be blocked or be out of

videos to watch

and that is great now let's go ahead and

sign in

so up here we have the register button i

want you to click on that

and that will lead you to this page

right here create an

account so it's very easy you just need

a username

a password and an email and you are good

to go

and be careful put your real email


because they will send you a

verification link to validate your


so don't put a random email when signing


before we go any further i want you to

see how many people

actually register to this website every


take a look at this hundreds and

hundreds of new registrations

every single day that's crazy right

this means that people are actually

making money and they

trust this website which is the case i

showed you earlier they are very secure

and they pay so well and here you can

see how many people were active

daily how many people came to this

website to make money every single day

in the last month look at this 80 000

active people every single day now this

is a real proof

that this website is actually worth it

okay so as i said you can make money

clicking on banner ads

or watching ads let me show you a quick

example of what a banner ad looks like

so here is a banner ad and this is also

a banner ad

you can make money just clicking on

these using ptc

share so basically you click on it

just like this and then all you have to

do is wait five seconds

and then close the page so when clicking

the banner

you wait five seconds and close the page

and you will get your payment

on the website and the other way is to

view video ads

so let's go to the view ads and here we

have all the ads we can view

so let's just click on view paid ads now

you have to prove

that you are not a robot you resolve the


confirm and then all you have to do is

wait five seconds

and then close the window now in this

example we were on a website

but most of the time you will have video

ads to watch

and that's how you will earn money and

here you can see

that my balance was funded with money so

each time i watch an ad

my balance will be funded with money now

here's a bonus tip i told you about

earlier when you click on an ad and

watch it

you can just keep watching multiple ads

at the same time

this means that you will binge watch ads

and make way more money

and if you are still watching i'm going

to show you another tip

a better one yet to make money watching

videos on the internet

and it's using this website called


tv here you can

even choose what type of videos you want

to watch

and you will watch videos for example

about adventure celebrities

food gaming lofts etc you can choose

what type of videos to watch

and here you have all the videos that

are in this category

and you can just start watching the

videos and make money from them

and the same thing as earlier you can

come down here and click on the next

videos to watch

and make way more money and the thing is

if you keep watching videos in the same


so you don't change from celebrities to

adventures for example

you just keep watching videos in the

same category

you will have your money doubled so this

website will

double your earnings and that's really


so if you watch 15 videos a day that

will make you 23 dollars

and if all the videos are from the same

category that would be

46 every single day this means

1 300 every month from watching simple

videos on your computer

or your phone this is incredible it's so

easy and free and you don't even do a


and yet you are making over one thousand

dollars every month

and by the way you don't have to watch

the entire video you only need to watch

30 seconds of each video and that will

be enough for you to get the money on

your account

so 30 seconds of each video that is all

you need to do

you guys that is so easy right and also

one last tip

just open multiple tabs at the same time

and just let the videos running on the


that will triple your earnings if you

have multiple

videos running at the same time for 30


you will be paid for each one of them

and then

you can even watch way more than 50

videos a day so that will make you

way more than 1 300 us dollars a month

so all you need to do is sign up for ptc


to make money clicking banners and

viewing ads and also if you want to make

way more money watching videos

use the hideout tv website to make even

way more money

don't limit yourself use these different


these different income streams to make

money online

this way you are sure to have daily

income coming in

 thank you................
