Grow a Facebook Page Fast

I'm gonna give you my best tips to grow a Facebook page as quickly as possible.

you guys continue to send me a lot of

dms and emails asking me the same thing

how can i grow my facebook page every single month

organically without having to invest

into facebook ads and so what i'm gonna

do in this blog is give you my best five

tips if you wanna grow on facebook extremely fast

what's working right now on facebook if

you wanna go from zero to ten thousand

followers to a hundred thousand


in the next 12 months and the

information i'm going to give you is not

only based on my personal experience

from growing multiple facebook pages at

the same time in multiple niches but

also from the experience of many of my

students who are currently building

multiple facebook pages in many niches

with millions and millions of followers

so i've compiled all that information

and i'm going to bring it to you

in this video hopefully to guide you and

show you what you should be doing if you want to grow

extremely fast on facebook now of course

the only purpose of growing a facebook

page to ten thousand a hundred thousand

followers or more is to be able to make

money from your facebook page so right

now so let's start with number

five and that is to post videos consistently

videos have been proven over and over

again to have

better reach than any other type of pose

inside of your facebook page so if you

want to grow as quickly as possible what

you should be doing is posting more and more videos

every single week if you can if you can post daily

do so but make sure you're posting three

minute videos on your facebook page


facebook tells you that if you post

three minute videos those videos

do a lot better than any other type of

video so in between a one minute video

in a three minute

video the three minute video is gonna

have better reach and more watch time

which means facebook will start

recommending that video to more people

helping you bring more organic followers

so not only should you be posting more

videos for the sake of

growing your facebook page but also

because you're able to monetize your

videos and make money

from those videos number four we post

the top five videos

every single month now once you start

posting videos every single week on your

facebook page

once you build a library of videos let's

say you have 100 videos on your facebook


every single month you can go back to

your creator studio and see

what are the top five or top 10 videos

that are doing really well

i haven't received a lot of views and

engagement and most likely those videos

you can reuse

to gain even more followers because if

you find videos that are doing really well

you can reuse and repost those videos to

your facebook page and gain even more

organic followers so one of the things

that i like to do is keep an excel sheet

in my computer

of the top videos on my facebook pages

every single month whether that's five

or ten videos

and then reuse those videos over and

over again to gain even more followers

and if the page is monetized of course

make more money from those same videos

so the more videos you have in your page

the more you can implement the strategy

of reusing

viral videos to grow your organic

following because if you have a video

with a million views 5 million views 10 million

views those videos typically can bring

you an extra 10 000

50 000 new followers number three join a

niche related facebook group

this is common sense what you should be

doing is joining facebook groups

in the niche of your page as your page

not as your personal profile

you're gonna find top groups in that

niche so for example if you have a

weight loss page

you're gonna find five groups in the

weight loss niche

and join those groups as your page and


provide value to the people in the group

by offering tips

offering help answering questions and

once you start building credibility in

those groups you can start sharing


from your facebook page and people will

actually go from the group and check out

your facebook page

to see if they like the content so the

more value you provide in those groups

the more people you can send from those

groups to your facebook page this is one

of the simplest ways for you

to grow your facebook page organically

without having to invest

any money whatsoever number two partner

with related pages this is something

else that you can do to not only promote

your content

get more reach get more views for your

video but a way for you to easily

gain more followers for free for your

page so basically we go on facebook and find

five ten twenty niche related pages and

we message those pages to see

if they wanna partner work together

collaborate and exchange videos cross posts

basically helping each other to promote

our posts

and content now you don't want to go for

the big pages that have you know

millions of followers

if you have a very small page because

most likely they're not going to answer

you they're not going to even pay

attention to you

so you want to go for pages in the same

niche as your page

where you have pretty much the same

amount of followers so if you have a

facebook page with ten thousand


in one specific niche try to find pages

with ten 000 followers and see if they

want to work together and every single


try to promote one of their posts and

they can promote one of yours

again this is one of the simplest and

most powerful ways for you to get

targeted followers for your page

completely free and last but not least

number one is using facebook ads this is

my favorite way of growing facebook

pages because

you can get results like that you can

get really targeted followers for your

page you don't have to wait six months

to get you know ten thousand followers

for your page and get your page

monetized and it's really not

as expensive as you think in fact if you

go and click the video below you're

gonna see how i grew

a brand new facebook page from zero to

over fifteen thousand followers

in just three days so if you guys want

to see that video go ahead and click the

link in the description below

facebook ads is an awesome opportunity

for you to grow any facebook page in

any niche while you're doing the other

stuff that i just mentioned

because you want to do as many things as

possible to grow your page so if you use

all of these techniques at the same time

you could easily get a thousand

followers 2 000 followers per week to

your facebook page you wouldn't believe

how many messages i get how many emails


i get from people saying the same thing over and over

again i can't grow my facebook page

i don't know what i'm doing wrong but

i've been working on my page for six

months and i only have

500 followers and once i actually go and

take a look at the page

i see that they have you know one pose

every other week they're not joining

facebook groups they're not posting

videos they're not

collaborating with other pages and

they're afraid to spend money on

advertising to grow their facebook page

and the thing that most people don't

realize is that once you have a

following let's say

that you grow your facebook page from

zero to ten thousand followers

once you get to that point getting to

twenty thousand followers

it's a lot easier because you already

have a foundation built

your first ten thousand followers will

help you get the next ten thousand

because from the content you'll be

posting on your page you're gonna get

more shares and more people talking

about your content and page

and that's gonna bring more organic

following to your page so of course

getting the first ten thousand followers

for your page

is difficult it's not meant to be easy unless

you're spending money on advertising and

actually paying per

follower to grow your facebook page as

quickly as possible

but if you're only using free

advertising methods for your page

it will take time but once you hit a few

thousand followers on your page

it's gonna get easier and the more

followers you have the easier it's gonna

get for you to build

your facebook page to numbers like a

hundred thousand two hundred thousand and more

so it really depends on how fast you

want to get those results do you want to

take six months to build your facebook page to

you know two thousand five thousand

followers or do you wanna spend some

money on advertising

and get it to ten thousand followers

within the first month this is how it

works guys so you have to understand that

if you want fast results you do have to

invest some money

if you want to basically do it all for

free you're gonna have to spend more time

creating content creating good videos

partnering with other pages and using groups

to drive traffic to your content on your facebook page.

 thank you.....
