How to grow your Facebook fan page from scratch organically even if you have
zero followers so whether you are starting a brand new Facebook page for your
business or you already have a page that just isn't growing very well.

i'll be sharing with you five powerful

tips that you can implement today in

your business to start

growing your page for free.

facebook marketing and how to create and

grow your facebook fan page successfully.

i am now in the back end of my facebook

page insights if you come on over to

your page and you click

insights under overview you'll be able

to see

your data so i just want to show you

some of my results from the past

seven days and how many reach i've

gotten organically

um so in the last seven days i have over six

million people reached again all

organically none of this is paid

if i come back here and i show you in

the last 28 days i have about 18

million people reached on my post that

means i have

18 million eyeballs all my content

and so let me just show you very quickly

all of this is highlighted in blue so

you know it's organic i didn't pay facebook

to promote any of this content now

another thing that i want you to

take a look at is the page like so

within the last 28 days i have over

10 000 people that came to my page and

liked my page what does that mean

is you know when i post content they

will be able to see

my post in their news feed so all of these people

um liked and found my content all

organically it could be

through their friends and their family

sharing on their profile

or facebook could have suggested my

content on their home feed so that's how

they're actually finding my page and so

um you know it's still very possible to

build an audience on facebook organically

you don't have to pay for page likes you

don't have to pay

for any that post or reach so today

we'll talk a little bit about

how you're able to create you know millions of

reach and also get organic page

likes so i hope seeing my results can give you

motivation to grow your facebook fan

page and how it is still possible to

grow your page organically

so right now i'm going to be sharing

with you five tips on how you can grow

your facebook fan page organically so for

tip number one

is do not ask your friends and your family to like

your page now i know it is so tempting

to click on the invite button

on the sidebar of facebook just to get a

few likes on your

page and especially when you're starting

out nobody likes having

zero followers and facebook likes to

gather data on the audience that like

your page now the facebook algorithm is

smarter than you and i

and it will go out and analyze the

audience that is most similar to our existing

followers now remember facebook does not

know what niche you are

in but what they do know is the

targeting keyword that we put in

and also the other pages that your

audience also likes

and another reason is if you are serious

about creating viral content for

your page then you should never ask your

friends who aren't even interested in your niche

to like your page because what facebook

will do is that

they will show your content on their

newsfeed and if your friends do not

engage with that piece of content

facebook will automatically assume that

it's a poor piece of content and they

will not suggest it

to more people hence lowering your overall

reach hence why i don't share any of my

content on this channel because

i know i will get at least one to two

thousand people that will go and like

my page just to follow my content but

aren't even interested in my niche

so say for example i have a page that

are for cat lovers only

but i will get tons of people that will

go and like my page who aren't even

interested in

cats that will significantly hurt my

page's overall performance

and potentially lower my chances of

going viral

and if that's not a good enough reason

then consider this

say for example you do plan on running

your own facebook ad and you're using

their facebook fan page audience as your

custom audience to create a look-alike


now what facebook will do is they will

go out to find similar audience that are

closely related to

your existing followers you'll be


feeding facebook the wrong data hence

wasting your ad budget

altogether so please build your fan page

the real way it will save you so much

time and frustration down the road

and for tip number two is to post video


video is one of the most engaging

content that you can ever post on your

facebook page

because facebook favors video way more than

photo post and they will reward you by

showing your video to more

similar audience in your niche now

before i move on to the next tip

make sure that before you publish your

videos facebook

actually suggests that your videos be at

least three minutes long

so they can show it to more people and

it can help you maximize your videos


you want to also add a description and

also add tags because you want to

make sure that your audience can easily

search for your content

so make sure to add in all possible tags

related to your videos

and last but not least make sure your

video is in hd

high definition because let's be real


likes to watch blurry pixelated videos

now i know i'm going to be getting

questions about well cynthia what type

of content should i create for my page

obviously it will vary based on your

niche but a few good ideas could be

how to videos you can create a video on

how to make a honey lemon tea

or how to set up a tent for a camping

trip basically

any type of videos where you're

providing value or useful

information for your audience now

speaking of

value this leads me to tip number three

which is to avoid posting or promoting

any of your products or services

on your page when you're starting out

and yes i do know that that is the

hardest part because we all want to make


fast but why 99 of people fail with

their facebook page is because they focus

on sell sell sell i've seen so many

people post

products after products after products


every day for a whole month and then

they come to me and say cynthia how come

i don't have any engagement or sales

and of course you get no sales because

you have not established a relationship

with your audience for them to trust

your brand enough to purchase from you

especially if you're relying on organic traffic

you need to provide some sort of value

before you can ask them to purchase from you

and as garyvee said jab jab jab right hook

in our case is to give give give then

ask also when i talk about value content

it can be really anything related to

your niche so it could be

anything that's funny or entertaining

like memes so it doesn't always have to be

three hacks on how to work out better it

can just be something for fun

and you can actually go on any meme

generator sites like

where you can go

in and create hundreds of different

memes to post content on your page where

you can just edit the top and bottom text

and for tip number four is to fully

optimize your facebook page i've

actually created a step-by-step tutorial

showing you exactly how to optimize your

facebook page and i will go ahead and

link it

somewhere on this video or down in the

description so what exactly do i mean by


your page so in a nutshell you basically

want to have three

main images already uploaded onto your

facebook fan page

so the first one is your profile picture

the second one is your banner

and the third one is your story image

and according to a study by microsoft

the average human being have an

attention span

of eight seconds so when our audience

clicks on our facebook page we want to

immediately let them know that they are

in the right place

so say for an example you are in the dog

niche you definitely want to place

related images or videos on your profile


your banner and your story to let that

person know

exactly what your page is about you

never want to leave them

guessing or confused that's why images

and videos are extremely

powerful to let that person know exactly

what your brand represents and for tip

number five

is hashtags i've been getting so many

questions of people asking me

should i use hashtag and is it that

important now i want to start off by

saying i personally don't use

any hashtags for any of my content i

remember running multiple tests and

realizing that i didn't get any better

results in fact all of my viral content


over 1 million people or more i never use

any hashtags in any of those content and

according to buzzsumo they've analyzed

over 1 billion facebook posts in over

30 million different pages and what they

have found are

posts with hashtags perform worse than

post without hashtags

so does that mean we should never use

hashtags well no

obviously if facebook provides us with

this tool we should be able to use it

so if you are wanting to use hashtags i

will actually keep it to a minimum

and according to sure payroll they found

that the interactions were the highest

when one to two hashtags were used

so i will pick out two of the most

popular hashtag

in my niche and then i would add that to

my content now another idea is to actually use

branded hashtags which are hashtags that

are specific to your brand only

that way you can easily track how much

buzz your brand is creating and if

someone shares

your content elsewhere with your

specific hashtag

you can see how actively engaged people

are with your brand

in fact when you type in your hashtag

into facebook

they will generate a unique url for

example if your hashtag

is cats and sweaters you can see that at

the top of your url

which now says

slash cats in sweaters now you can share

this specific link on other social media sites like

instagram or pinterest to get people to search

and engage with your specific content

hence funneling

more traffic from other places for free

so those were the five tips on how you

can grow your facebook fan page

from scratch even if you have zero followers.

thank you...........
