WATCH ADS AND EARN $7.67 EVERY 60 SECONDS (Make Money Online 2021)

step number one log into the two

platforms that will pay you to watch

ads step number two click on the highest

paying ads and watch them

and step number three collect the cash

straight to your bank account

outright over here a nice

big PayPal payment sent to me just the

another day for simply watching

a few ads now results are not guaranteed

you may earn more than this

the same or a little bit less but i can

tell you one thing if you don't follow

the exact steps

throughout this entire video then

results like this will definitely

not be possible for you so make sure to

stick all the way through and do not

skip over

any of the steps now the three steps to

earning seven dollars

and 67 cents every 60 seconds for

watching ads are

step number one i'm going to be

revealing the top two platforms

that are paying people to watch ads

online from home

on their computer or their cell phone

okay step number two i'm going to be

unveiling the unique methods for

maximizing your income and step number

three i'm going to be showing you how to

automate your income

as a bonus towards the end so let's go ahead

and jump into this and you're going to

want to make sure to stick around to the

end because i'm going to show you

the two platforms but the last one is the highest

paying okay so as you can see right here

they're paying out people from

all over the world okay and this is up

to date people are earning every single

minute of the day

they're getting paid out in different

methods obviously straight to their bank

account payeer air atm and

other different methods okay so any

different amounts 29 bucks 48 bucks 46 bucks

and you can cash out at any time that

you want so this is pretty nice

that you get instant access to cash for

simply watching advertisements okay so

the first platform is called

1) gptplanet

okay earn money by completing

simple tasks online and the task that

we're going to be completing is watching ads

everyone can join and it's absolutely

free so you're going to register

get your free account start earning and

then you can cash out

and the minimum threshold is a dollar

okay so you're gonna be able to cash out

every single day

any minute of the day all right so i'm

gonna show you

exactly where to go on this site so what

you're gonna do is you're gonna

register and then once you get to your dashboard

you're gonna get here okay now there's

lots of different things you could click

on but i'm gonna show you the highest

paying ones

okay from lowest paying to highest

paying the ones you need to get started

with today as you can see

this site has paid out over 1.4 million dollars

to their users like me and you okay so

the very first place we want to go is

view ads all right

and we're going to click on view ads and

that's going to go over here so as you can see

these are little advertisements okay

these are fixed

advertisements that you know obviously

you could reset this page

once you view all of them all right but

you need to view at least

four before you can reset the page but

what you're going to do is start viewing click on

all every single one of these let them

pop up in separate browsers okay and let

the advertisements play

as you can see there's pages and pages

of advertisements and once you run

out of all of these okay you can go

ahead and refresh the page but

they don't pay out too much for these so

I want to show you ones that payout even

more okay so the next place we're going to go

are we're going to click on earn more so

as you can see right here if we scroll

down we click on earn more and scroll down

you're gonna see gpt grid wanna ads

medium path

skippy ads and lots of other ones but

what i want you to do is go to wanna ads

these are the highest paying


on this site so you go to wanna ads and

that's going to take you over

here and as you see these are the top earners

right now today the top 15 okay already

earning 18 bucks just for watching some ads okay but if

you scroll down you can see

you know this one pays 150 cents 50 cents 27.5

cents and so forth this one 97.5 cents

okay so um there are obviously hundreds of these

ads so you can scroll down and see

you know some of them pay out 200 okay

and it's pretty cool

because you know you can just keep

scrolling down opening each one of these

up and earning okay these are just going

to be little pop-ups that

you know basically are earning you money and there's

plenty of them here you don't even need

to refresh the page because by the time

you're done with all these

you're going to be pretty tired um and

then you could obviously

cash out but i'm going to show you

another place that you could earn

as well on this site it's actually the highest paying method

and it's on this site as well then we'll

move on to the next platform which

pays out even more than gpt planet okay so

what you're going to do is click on ptsu

and that's going to bring you right over

here which are paid to sign up

offers now these aren't quite

advertisements but what you can do is create a junk

gmail account and what you're going to

do is click on each one of these and just input that

gmail account and you will earn the

reward okay so that's another way

to earn and sometimes when you see these

sometimes they pay out more than a

dollar each one so

that is going to be great for you to

start earning now let's go ahead

and move on to the next highest paying

platform okay and this one is called

2) scarlet clicks

okay scarlett clicks

as you can see they've paid out over 2.4 million

to their users for watching ads okay so

click ads earn money and

cash out now their minimum threshold is two dollars

but obviously you're gonna hit that

faster because this site

pays out even more so go ahead log in

and you're gonna go over here and you're

gonna see your dashboard okay

and what you could do is the first place

you want to go here is

go to earn more and you're going to go to medium

path okay medium path is the highest paying

advertiser on this particular site okay

i know that they have they might have

medium path on gpt planet but

this is the highest paying one on

scarlet clicks okay so you click on that

and as you see right here okay you're

gonna have lots of different um

you know advertisements that you can pop

up and some of them

vary like this one says varies could be

one dollar could be five dollars

um but you're gonna go ahead and click

on all these and again

hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of

ads for you to watch

and click on here okay now this reminds

me of when i first started out handing

out milkshakes and burgers

for minimum wage all right I was doing

little gigs on the side like this link

clicking and viewing ads

for a couple dollars here and thereof

course you can make a few hundred bucks

or maybe even a thousand over time

but this what i just showed you is not

going to make you

rich okay now when i discovered how to

create a passive income online like this

business right here this is just one of

many of my businesses

it's generating over 15 000 per month

on complete autopilot it allowed me to

be able to go travel with my wife like

this vacation right here we

went to Maui one of the most beautiful

vacations we have ever been on

and the passive income business was

paying for this in fact when we came back

I even purchased my dream car this

McLaren 570s okay now if you want to see


how i'm building passive income online

and how you can get started.

thank you.....
